Who doesn’t love Penguins? My son LOVES them! I’m sure as time goes on you will find many, many more free penguin coloring pages on Stevie Doodles and I will add them to this page. Here is your spot for coloring pages of a penguin!
You can find all of my animal coloring pages here in my animal section
Or browse all of my free coloring pages by cateogry
Scroll down the page to find the perfect penguin page or pages for your needs. Just find the page or pages you want to print and color - the link to download each pdf is below the picture.
I like to pair coloring with a related video or podcast. Why not grab coloring pages of a penguin and turn on a show about penguins?
There are so many penguin shows to love.
Watch the Disney+ Nature Penguins
I’m not sure where to stream these, but just to add the ideas:
Mr. Popper’s Penguins; Happy Feet; Penguins of Madagascar
I love Curiosity Stream for documentary-style shows and they have some penguin options too.
This Penguins episode of Wildlife
This Penguin Central short documentary
Penguin Party
The Great Penguin Rescue - a 6 episode series
My favorite penguin pages so far. The link to download the dabbing penguin is just below the picture!
CLICK HERE to print the dabbing penguin coloring page above
I am in love with this dabbing penguin. If my son was a penguin, and he wishes he were, this is how I’d picture him - with crazy doodles and doing a funny dab with his little penguin wing. If I was looking for cute penguin pages this would be my bingo.
The Penguin Riding A Llama
As I write this, I just colored this page and it was so fun. There is so much to do with color that I think this is a great penguin coloring page for adults to play around with. I’m sort of an adult and I love it!
The button to print this penguin + llama coloring sheet is just below the image.
CLICK HERE to print the penguin riding a llama page above
Dabbing Penguin + Quote
I love the dabbing penguin drawing so much I gave him a second coloring page - this one has a quote I think captures my cute little penguin perfectly, “Find some people who are your kind of crazy.”
The button to print this page for free is just below the image
I hope you love my dabbing penguin pages as much as i do, but if those aren’t what you’re looking for, don’t worry - there are tons more free penguin pages to print and color below.
Print the Dabbing Penguin coloring page HERE
Penguin Jokes Coloring Page
This page has a simple penguin to color + it has some fun penguin jokes to share.
Download and print the page just below the image!
If you love this penguin jokes coloring page with the cute little baby penguin, you might just love my other pages with animals + jokes. You can see all of my animal joke pages here
Coloring Pages of a Penguin Playing Baseball
This cutie is wearing a ball cap and holding a bat. He also has a mitt and some baseballs. Perfect for your friend who loves penguins, baseball AND coloring - the trifecta!
Simple Cute Penguin Coloring Sheet
This little guy is simple, cute, and perfect for a little coloring break.
4 Simple Penguins Color Sheets
Music Loving Penguin
Penguin color pages printable with a cute penguin with headphones surrounded by hearts.
Pretty Penguin Coloring Page
This little one loves music! She has a boom box and headphones and a whole bunch of musical notes to color.
Penguin With Headphones & Bowtie
Simple penguin coloring sheets - This one is wearing headphones and a little bowtie
Cute Penguin With Bowtie & Hat
This little guy is so simple but also super cute - the big eyes and a big bowtie and a little colorable hat.
Perry Puffin
This Perry Puffin page is one of my newest penguin coloring pages - it has a cute little puffin wearing a hat and his insides are filled with hearts to color. I also wrote a little poem about Perry and I hope you love it!
Print the Perry Puffin coloring page HERE
Penguin Numbers
This is 10 printable penguin coloring pages. each page has a number and the corresponding number of adorable penguins in various costumes.
The link to download the pdf with all 10 of these penguin coloring pages is just below the image.
Penguin With Hats
This penguin is basically me. I’m know for wearing hats. In a zoom meeting the other day I didn’t have one on and everyone was like, “Oh! Stevie has hair!” The penguin is a little cuter than me, but man is he so fun to color with all of his funky winter hats.
Print this page with the button just below the image.
King & Queen Penguin With Penguin Castle
This free page is two colorable penguins - one king and one queen - and a colorable castle with flags and everything. I hope you love this King and Queen (or Prince and Princess) penguin sheet.
Print this free page using the button just below the image.
Scout Penguin
If a penguin came to your door with the sash and some cookies I’m pretty sure you couldn’t resist buying some girl scout cookies.
Although, let’s be honest, we can’t resist anyway. (Speaking for myself, of course.)
This cookie selling penguin is a free coloring page you can print with the button just below the image!
A Penguin Family Coloring Page
Everyone in this little penguin family has different interests, but I imaging they all get along and love each other - even if they have to go off and do their own thing on the weekends.
The one guy is off skiing, the one is selling cookies, the other is headed to the tennis court - I hope you have so much fun coloring my penguin pages!
Print this one using the button below the image.
Penguins At The Beach
These two penguins in this coloring pages are just loving some time at the beach! The’ve got everything they need and it’s all so fun to color.
The button to print this page is below the image - hope you love coloring this page as much as I do!
Ten Penguins!
These penguins are all on one page and it’s free to print and color right now with the button below - just click below the image where it says “click here.”
Pretty Princess Penguin Coloring Page
This pretty princess penguin has her very own coloring page with all of her very favorite princess things. Dresses and flowers and shoes and jewels + the princess penguin herself with her crown.
Grab this princess penguin with the button just under the image.
3 Cool-Guy Penguins
These goofy penguins are so cool. You might recognize some of them from the other pages, but I wanted to have some different combination options and these three just seemed like they’d be friends.
If you’d love to get this page, just use the button below the image to print and color it today! I’d love to see your finished page if you color
Penguin Royal Family
It’s a King and a Queen and a little cute baby royal penguin. These three are pretty adorable and a fun combo to color.
To get this one, just do like you did with the others - click the button below the image and print away
Fun Idea:
Curiosity Stream has this awesome documentary about penguins called “Penguin Central.” And I know they have at least one other penguin documentary. WATCH PENGUIN CENTRAL ON CURIOSITY STREAM
How fun would it be to color some penguin coloring pages you got free from Stevie Doodles and sit with your family while an amazing penguin documentary plays in the background. Living the dream I tell ya.
Construction Penguin
The rest of the penguins are great for little hands, so if you’re after penguin coloring pages for preschoolers or kindergarteners or kids who want a lot of outside space around the drawing to do their own thing - these are your pages.
You might also love these if you’re looking for baby penguins or just really cute and totally adorable penguins. Hope you find what you are looking for and have a blast coloring penguin pages!
Winter Penguin
Winter penguin is all bundled up! My favorite part to color is the scarf, but the hat and glasses are pretty sinking cute too.
Might I suggest a project where you cut out the colored penguin and glue it onto a really awesome background made with multiple mediums? I’m adding it to my list of things to try!
King Penguin
It would be a fun project to create a castle with cardboard and then cut out your colored King penguin page to sit in front of the castle?
Penguin With Ice Cream
I colored this one with polka dots - so much fun. Can’t wait to see how you color this little guy! Just click on the button below the image to print and color.
Tennis Penguin
Find this guy on the courts!
Princess Penguin
Tourist Penguin
Pretty Penguin
This penguin is wearing a really totally awesome necklace with a big ole jewel
Skiing Penguin
This guy is so ready to hit the slopes - grab your free penguin coloring page with the button below!