The Kingdom: How Fungi Made Our World
Stream and color THE KINGDOM, a show on Curiosity Stream about fungi. I made these Fungi pages just for you to enjoy while you watch or before you watch or after you watch - use these pages however works best for you!
Curiosity Stream is a few bucks a month, but YES it’s worth it and NO they didn’t pay me to say that ;)
This show about fungi is fascinating! It explores how fungi are and have been a part of all the processes of creation and evolution on the planet. It is pretty mind boggling and I had a lot of fun learning more about fungi.
I hope you watch the show and that these pages help you in your journey to learn more about fungi and about our awesome life-supporting planet!
We love curiosity stream! It is a streaming service full of awesome documentaries about all the things.
I made these pages specifically from this little show THE KINGDOM - it’s a short show about the fungi.
Fungi Eat Death
The free page below has a quote from the show, “fungi eat death and in doing so create life.
Enjoy coloring this page so much! The button to print it is just below the image.
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Lots of Fungi!
These are my favorite kinds of pages to make and to color - it’s just a bunch of mushrooms. I can’t wait to color these. The show talks about how we think of mushrooms when we hear fungi, but fungi is so much more than mushrooms!
These are just the most fun to draw. But if you have any ideas about fungi drawings that would be fun to make and color - I’m all ears! Use my contact page to send me a message.
They're all around us, in the soil, our bodies and the air, but are often too small to be seen with the naked eye.
They provide medicines and food but also wreak havoc by causing plant and animal diseases.
According to the first big assessment of the state of the world's fungi, the fungal kingdom is vital to life on Earth.
Yet, more than 90% of the estimated 3.8 million fungi in the world are currently unknown to science.
"It's such an interesting set of organisms and we really know so little about them," says Prof Kathy Willis, director of science at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, which led the report.
"They're really weird organisms with the most bizarre life cycle. And yet when you understand their role in the Earth's ecosystem, you realise that they underpin life on Earth." READ MORE ABOUT FUNGI