In our time, smartphones and internet use are still fairly new - still fairly scary. And though I respect the process my fellow humans must undertake to deal with new technology, I have grown into a different perspective and occasionally I might offer a bit of it.
I find myself excited that when we hand children phones we give them access to information and tools the generations before us could only dream about. As a result, we are raising a generation of writers who will have decades of their wild ideas stored on a cloud, who will have punched out poetry and story ideas into their notes on their phone.
I'm excited for all the tools available for artists now - for all the children who wouldn't have picked up a pencil and been noticed for their drawing abilities, but who can create amazing graphics and brilliant art in beautiful new ways.
I'm excited for budding young chefs who love to cook having access to recipes for everything, right in their pocket - for having YouTube videos to visually walk them through cooking their new favorite dishes. For companies like Masterclass, so these one-day-chefs can take classes from 5 star chefs from the comfort of their own kitchens.
I'm excited for young athletes who can train with the help of world class athletes, who have access to information about nutrition and weight training from a young age.
I'm excited for young musicians who, with the tech in their pocket, can create songs and share them with the world today. For young musicians who will grow up in a world of Patreon and Youtube - in a world where they can find fans and supporters and make a career from their music without needing to be "discovered."
I'm excited.